Sensobuzz: from Intuition to Innovation in Reactive Training
This timeline shows the milestones of Sensobuzz. It starts from the first intuition of a tennis speed training system in 1988 and ends with the launch of the app in 2019. It also highlights the invention of the Sensotouch and Sensobuzz Interactive System, the development of the theory of Coordinabolic Method, and the publication of the book Sensobuzz.
First intuition
My first experimental instrument that emits signals using arrows for tennis speed training. WATCH VIDEO.
Invention of the Sensotouch
After several experimental systems, a real tool for training and measuring reaction times has been developed, consisting of lights and sounds that are connected to buttons and platforms. I develop the theory of the coordinabolic method.
Sensobuzz System
Sensotouch evolved into Sensobuzz, a more complex tool for training attention and emitting more sounds, colors, and symbols as a result of my theoretical and technological research never ceasing. WATCH VIDEO
Sensobuzz Book
The publisher proposes to publish a book on Sensobuzz, which will cover the Coordinabolic Method as well as how to train reactivity with the Sensobuzz System. It has also been translated into Spanish.
Sensobuzz App
As a result of years of research and fieldwork, I created the first mobile application with the same name: Sensobuzz, which is the first app in the world to train reactivity. The App is widely used by physical trainers and top athletes around the world.
Millisecond Training App
Sensobuzz is taking on a new challenge with its latest project and app: Millisecond. This app trains complex reactivity in situational sports and aims to reach a global audience. Millisecond is the result of years of research and innovation by Buzzelli’s system.